Points of Progress


Q – What is the difference between a snapshot and a Point of Progress?


A – A snapshot is a moment in time that is not a point of progress communication. It might be a class event, an individual accomplishment, field trip photos etc. A point of progress includes the four criteria referenced below.


Q – What are the four criteria that a point of progress needs to count in the numbers required?


A –

  1. Evidence of Learning (What the student is doing)
  2. Descriptive feedback (How the student is doing)
  3. Next steps (Where to next?)
  4. Student Voice (Student reflection on their learning)



Q – Can one point of progress count for more than one subject area?


A – Yes. This is especially true when you are integrating learning experiences cross curricular. As long as your feedback is cross curricular as well, it is quite possible that a point of progress may apply to 2 or more subject areas.


Q – Are there documents to support teachers with points of progress?


A – Go to the Assessment for Learning page here where you will find links to books, articles, videos as well as samples.


Q –  How do I do a Point of Progress on engagement and behavior? 


A –   This is a good question. Engagement and behaviour are not areas of study and as such do not have learning standards attached to them. Given that, it might be appropriate for these to be embedded in existing points of progress for other learning. Strength-based comments may focus on students’ behaviour and engagement as it relates to this particular learning experience. The teacher may wish to reference any initiatives in the class such as growth mindset or behaviours for success etc.


Q – Can we use paper portfolios instead of or in addition to an electronic portfolio?


A – You may use electronic (EdInform or FreshGrade) portfolios, paper portfolios or a combination of both.


Q –  How can we get students to take ownership of their portfolio of learning?


A – As students are exposed to self-reflection and self-evaluation they may have the opportunity to access their portfolio and add these reflections. This may then lead to them selecting samples that are important and reflective of their learning to add themselves under the guidance of their teacher(s). When teachers provide growth-based descriptive feedback it can open an opportunity for students to act upon this feedback to move their learning forward.


Q – Should I track how many points of progress I have shared?


A – Yes, this is advisable especially if you are using a variety of methods. There are some templates available in the portal here.


Q – Will my administrator need to review what I am sending home on an on-going basis?


A – Yes, it is expected that administrators will review communications home from time to time. You may be asked at any given time to share samples of your communications. If you are using EdInform your administrator has access to student portfolios. If using FreshGrade you should invite them as a colleague. You can share student learning freely without advising. 


Q – Do all points of progress need to be in paper or electronic format? What about a meeting, email or phone call with a parent?


A – No, they do not. Any of these other forms of communication can count if they have all the four criteria of a point of progress included. It would be important to document this in some way.


Q – Is it ok if my parents see learning activities as I build them and student samples as they are added?


A – Yes, this is good modelling of the assessment cycle as we are not assessing end products as much as the process of learning over time. This gives us the opportunity to show growth over longer periods.


Q – Which electronic portfolios are supported?


A – The EdInform app is officially supported for technical issues and workflow within the app. Technical support for FreshGrade would be through their support center. Contact the Help Desk or Learning Team for EdInform support.